Upcoming Seminar – Pregnancy Leave, Accommodation and Discrimination
Published: February 11, 2012
Download: Flyer – Pregnancy Leave.pdf
Program Summary:
Join the Employment Law Group of Weintraub Genshlea Chediak Tobin & Tobin for an informative and up-to-date discussion about the rights and obligations of pregnant employees.
Program Highlights:
- Pregnancy Disability Leave (PDL)
- What is it?
- Which employers are covered?
- When is an employee eligible?
- How should employers administer the leave?
- PDL versus FMLA/CFRA
- How do they relate or overlap?
- How should employers administer overlapping leave?
- Reasonably Accommodating Pregnant Employees
- Do you have to?
- If so, what is required?
- What are the consequences if the employer fails to accommodate?
- Pregnancy Discrimination
- What is it under federal and state law?
- How can you avoid it?
- What are the Courts saying?
Thursday, February 16, 2012
9:00 a.m.
Registration and Breakfast
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
There is no charge for this seminar
Approved for 2 hours MCLE Credit;
HRCI credits available upon request
Ramona Carrillo
Weintraub Genshlea Chediak Tobin & Tobin
400 Capitol Mall, 11th Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916.558.6046
Fax: 916.446.1611