Upcoming CEAC Seminar: Labor Law, Hiring and Firing, and Conflict Management
Published: June 11, 2013
Download: labor law hiring and firing and conflict management 6-21-13__Final.pdf
The Yuba Sutter Colusa Employer Advisory Council in partnership with the Employment Development Department will present the seminar, “Labor Law, Hiring and Firing, and Conflict Management,” on Friday, June 21st from 8 a.m. to noon at Peachtree Golf & Country Club in Marysville, California.
Weintraub Tobin attorney Beth West will be the guest speaker at this seminar. She assists employers in all aspects of their employment relationship with their employees and defends employers in employment disputes. Beth is currently the chair of the Sacramento Employers Advisory Council (SEAC).
Topics include:
Labor Law
Even though less than 7 percent of the private sector workforce belongs to unions, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) seems committed to regaining relevance in the 21st century. This topic includes a discussion of how recent NLRB decisions affect the non-union workplace.
Hiring and Firing
From negligent hiring to wrongful termination claims – and much more in between. This topic includes proactive steps employers can take to reduce legal liability related to hiring and firing decisions.
Conflict Resolution
When conflicts go unaddressed they can have a negative impact on the work environment, employee productivity, and your bottom line. This topic includes tips to resolve conflict early and effectively.
Who Should Attend
- Business owners
- Employee benefits managers/staff
- Human resource managers/staff
- Managers/Supervisors
For more information on the seminar’s agenda or to register, download the seminar flyer above.
Space is limited. Must register by June 17, 2013.