Upcoming Seminar: Pregnancy Leave, Accommodation & Discrimination
Published: August 26, 2013
Don’t Wait for the Stork To Teach You What It All Means
Summary of Program
Join the Employment Law Group of Weintraub Tobin for an informative and up-to-date discussion about the rights and obligations of pregnant
Program Highlights
- Pregnancy Disability Leave (PDL)
- What is it?
- Which employers are covered?
- When is an employee eligible?
- How should employers administer the leave?
- PDL versus FMLA/CFRA
- How do they relate or overlap?
- How should employers administer overlapping leave?
- Reasonably Accommodating Pregnant Employees
- Do you have to?
- If so, what is required?
- What are the consequences if the employer fails to accommodate?
- Pregnancy Discrimination
- What is it under federal and state law?
- How can you avoid it?
- What are the Courts saying?
- Recent decisions.
Seminar Program
9:00 a.m. Registration and Breakfast
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Seminar
Approved for 2 hours MCLE credit; HRCI
credits available upon request.
There is no charge for this seminar.
Ramona Carrillo
400 Capitol Mall, 11th Fl.
Sacramento, CA 95814
This seminar is also available via webinar. Please indicate in your RSVP if you will be attending via webinar. If attending via webinar, MCLE and
HRCI credits will be provided upon verification of attendance for the entirety of the webcast.
Parking validation provided. Please park in the Wells Fargo parking garage, entrances on 4th and 5th St.