Webinar: Every Employer’s Worst Nightmare: Class Action Wage & Hour and PAGA Claims – Learn How to Avoid Them
- When: Apr 14, 2021
- Where: Webinar

On April 14, 2021, Shauna Correia and Meagan Bainbridge of Weintraub Tobin’s Labor & Employment Group discussed the PAGA and class action cases that are trending, and provide practical guidance for employers to make adjustments to business practices and communications to reduce the risk of becoming a target.
Summary of Program:
California employers are constantly under scrutiny for compliance with employment laws, and even the most careful and compliant businesses can find their business practices subject to legal challenges. The biggest threat is not the individual employee seeking redress for a claim – it is an action brought as a Private Attorney General Act and/or class action on behalf of the employee and all of their current and former colleagues. It just takes one disgruntled employee (usually, a former employee) to do a keyword search on the internet and find one of dozens of “employee rights” lawyers offering to sue their employer, free of charge unless they win, on behalf of current and former employees. Employers can find themselves facing a cookie cutter complaint seeking penalties that easily reach six or seven figures, for alleged violations going back up to four years.
While compliance with the law ultimately will preclude liability, proving it can be costly, difficult, and often hinges on the quality of the employer’s records and documents. Even still, actual legal compliance may not prevent a lawsuit being filed claiming noncompliance.
A recording of this webinar can be viewed on the Weintraub Tobin YouTube page. Please note that this webinar is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. We recommend that you speak to your professional advisors about the specifics of your business.