Webinar – Don’t Rush the Interactive Process: Understanding the Do’s and Don’ts of Reasonable Accommodations Under the ADA and FEHA
- When: Jun 2, 2021
- Where: Webinar

On June 2, 2021, Weintraub employment attorneys James Kachmar and Meagan Bainbridge presented an overview of the many accommodation laws that employers and HR professionals may have to address, such as who should be accommodated and how to engage in an interactive process to determine an appropriate accommodation, if any.
Most employers know that employees may need to be accommodated from time to time for various reasons under California and/or Federal law. It is important that employers understand these laws and comply with how the courts and various federal and state regulatory agencies interpret them, as well as learn what their rights and obligations are regarding: (1) engaging in the interactive process; and (2) providing reasonable accommodations. This has never been more true than in the current COVID-19 world we find ourselves.
Program Highlights
- Recent Developments in Accommodation Law
- How to Determine Who is Entitled to an Accommodation
- How to Engage in the Interactive Process and When to Initiate the Initial Discussion
- The Various Protected Classes and/or Activities Entitling an Employee to Accommodation (i.e., disability, religion, illiteracy, etc.)
- The Effect of COVID-19 on the Accommodation Process
- Service Animals in the Workplace
- How to Effectively Document the Accommodation Process
A recording of this webinar can be viewed on the Weintraub Tobin YouTube page. Please note that this webinar is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. We recommend that you speak to your professional advisors about the specifics of your business.