Webinar: After Dobbs – Delivery of OB-GYN Care to Women in Abortion-Restricted States

On September 1st, 2022, the Education Center of the American Health Law Association hosted a webinar discussing healthcare-related issues that arose for pregnant women after the Dobbs v. Jackson decision. Weintraub shareholder Jeanne Vance moderated the event, which covered topics including:

  • Women who are miscarrying/likely to miscarry
  • Non-elective medical procedures that may result in abortion (septic abortions)
  • Treating of medical conditions that are not pregnancy that may impact the viability of the pregnancy, such as cancer
  • The risks of advising/collaborating on health care that is not legally accessible within the state but that may be delivered in another state
  • Disciplinary issues for medical practitioners/pharmacists licensed in both abortion restricted and abortion safe states
  • Delivery of contraceptive care, including IUDs/Plan B

Learn more about this event on the AHLA website here.