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Mary Siceloff, Author at Weintraub Tobin

Welcome to the Weintraub Resources section. Here, you can find our Blogs, Videos, and Podcasts, in which Weintraub attorneys regularly provide insights and updates on legal developments. You can also find upcoming Weintraub Events, as well as firm and client News.

L&E Seminar: Medical Leave, Pregnancy Leave, Bereavement Leave, and More – The Vast World of Statutory Leave Laws

  • When: May 15, 2024 09:30 am PDT - 11:30 am PDT
  • Where: 400 Capitol Mall, 11th Floor Sacramento, CA 95814

Navigating and administering leaves of absence in California has never been easy. Employers have to first understand which statutory leaves apply to their workplace and then ensure that they not only have policies in place regarding those leaves but also administer those leaves properly. Often, various leave statutes, reasonable accommodation statutes, and partial wage-replacement statutes overlap in a given situation, making compliance with the law even more difficult.

Attorneys Ryan Abernethy, Tomiwa T. Aina, and Meagan Bainbridge of Weintraub Tobin’s Labor and Employment Group provided a summary of the complex statutory scheme of leave and accommodation laws under federal and state law. They also provided some helpful insights and best practices for compliance, discussed who is eligible under what circumstances, and highlighted the particular rights and obligations of both employers and employees.

WT Deals: Jessica Varley to Write and Direct “The Astronaut”

Weintraub Client Jess Varley (Phobias) makes her solo writing and directing debut with the sci-fi thriller The Astronaut, which begins filming in Ireland in October (under an interim SAG-AFTRA agreement). Kate Mara, Gabriel Luna, and Laurence Fishburne lead the cast.

The Astronaut is produced by Brad Fuller and Cameron Fuller (Fuller Media), alongside Eric B. Fleischman and Chris Abernathy (Wonder Company).

WT Clients: Chris Olsen and Ms Rachel Win 2023 Streamy Awards

Creators and Weintraub clients Chris Olsen and Ms Rachel were winners at the 13th Annual Streamy Awards. Chris Olsen, a social media and TikTok star, won the Short Form Category. Ms Rachel, a YouTube creator with a highly successful learning channel for toddlers, won in the Kids and Family category.

The Streamy Awards is the foremost recognition within the creator community, honoring excellence in a variety of content verticals and areas of expertise. Nominees and Winners of the Streamy Awards include individuals and organizations with global audiences making some of the most innovative and well-watched programming in the world. The live Streamy Awards broadcast is attended by creators with aggregate audiences in the hundreds of millions and is watched by millions of fans worldwide.

The Briefing by the IP Law Blog: The Sneakerhead Breakup of the Century – Yeezy and Adidas

Adidas, which manufactures and sells the wildly popular “Yeezy” line of shoes in partnership with rapper Kanye West, recently terminated the relationship after anti-Semitic statements by the star. In this episode of The Briefing by the IP Law Blog, Scott Hervey and Josh Escovedo discuss the trademark and contract issues that Adidas is navigating with shoe designs and future related designs.

Is the Server Test Ready for a Reboot?

It’s been referred to as one of the top copyright cases to watch this year. This case, Alexis Hunley, et al v. Instagram, LLC, could mean the end to the server test, a once widely-followed copyright doctrine established by the 9th Circuit in Perfect 10, Inc. v. Amazon.com Inc., now rejected by a number of courts.

Weintraub in Comstock’s: Youthful Energy – Workers in Their 20s and 30s in the Capital Region Strive to Make a Difference

by Graham Womack
This article was first published in Comstock’s Magazine on July 11, 2022.  Reprinted by permission.

One of the more pronounced themes of the COVID-19 pandemic has been the change in the workforce, with more than 47 million people quitting their jobs as part of the Great Resignation in 2021, according to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. For more than two decades before this, however, a subtler shift in the labor force has been brewing: Workers are getting older.