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Upcoming Sacramento Seminar: The Complex Web of Federal, State and Local Leaves of Absence Laws

Download: April Webinar.pdf

Summary of Program
Employers continue to grapple with this very difficult area of employment law. It is not enough to focus on just one law when an employee is unable to work or is absent from the workplace due to some medical condition or injury suffered by the employee or his or her family member. Instead, employers need to understand and comply with how the courts, and various federal and state regulatory agencies, are interpreting the interplay between a number of laws like the FMLA/CFRA, ADA/FEHA, PDL, USERRA, and workers’ compensation. This seminar is designed to help employers and HR professionals understand this complex interplay and to provide some practical guidance on administering leaves and absences.

Program Highlights

  • New Regulations and Agency Directives.
  • What Does Each Law Provide: A Summary of the Statutes and Regulations.
  • A Discussion of the Difference Between “Statutory Leaves” and “Wage
  • Replacement Benefits.”
  • Under What Circumstances the Statutory Leaves and/or Wage Replacement
  • Benefits May Overlap and How to Evaluate and Determine the Employee’s
  • Entitlements and the Employer’s Obligations Under Each Law.
  • The Importance of Engaging in the “Interactive Process.”
  • What are the Courts saying? Recent case law.
  • Effective Documentation: Policies, Leave Administration Documents, and Medical Certifications.

Thursday, April 25, 2013
9:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m.

Seminar Program
8:30 a.m. Registration and Breakfast
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Seminar
Approved for 2 hours MCLE credit; HRCI credits available upon request.
There is no charge for this seminar.

This seminar is also available via webinar. Please indicate in your RSVP if you will be attending via webinar. If attending via webinar, MCLE and HRCI credits will be provided upon verification of attendance for the entirety of the webcast.

Weintraub Tobin
400 Capitol Mall, 11th Fl.
Sacramento, CA 95814

Ramona Carrillo
400 Capitol Mall, 11th Fl.
Sacramento, CA 95814
[email protected]

Parking validation provided. Please park in the Wells Fargo parking
garage, entrances on 4th and 5th St.

Upcoming Sacramento Seminar: Mandatory AB 1825 Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

Download: AB 1825 Brochure.pdf

Summary of Program
The regulations regarding California’s Mandatory Sexual Harassment
Prevention Training for supervisors require that certain employers
provide training to their supervisors every two years.

The Labor and Employment Group at Weintraub Tobin is offering a two hour in-person training session that will comply with all the requirements outlined in the regulations, including things like:

  • an overview of sexual harassment laws;
  • examples of conduct that constitute sexual harassment;
  • lawful supervisory responses to complaints of harassment in the workplace;
  • strategies to prevent harassment in the workplace; and
  • practical and inter-active hypotheticals and examples to help
  • illustrate what sexual harassment, discrimination, and retaliation can look like.

If you are an employer with 50 or more employees, and have supervisors who have not yet been trained, this training is a must. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you comply with your continuing sexual harassment training obligations.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013
9:30 a.m.—11:30 a.m.

Weintraub Tobin
400 Capitol Mall, 11th Fl.
Sacramento, CA 95814

Training Program
9:00 a.m. Registration and Breakfast
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Training

Charge: $75.00 per supervisor.

Ramona Carrillo
400 Capitol Mall, 11th Fl.
Sacramento, CA 95814
[email protected]

Parking validation provided. Please park in the Wells Fargo parking
garage, entrances on 4th and 5th St.

*Also available via webinar.

Panel Discussion: “How Has Digital Media Changed the Way We Interact With Food”

Join Us April 23!

Weintraub Tobin and the LAVA Digital Media Group will host a panel discussion: “How Has Digital Media Changed the Way We Interact with Food” on Tuesday, April 23.

Whether it’s finding a place to eat, sharing recommendations on your favorite dishes or ordering food online, investors have been hungry (sorry for the terrible pun) to invest in web and mobile-based food applications and platforms – aka food tech.

Over the last year, almost $350 million has been invested in Food Tech and deal activity to the burgeoning sector grew over 37% vs the prior year.

Panelists include:

“How Has Digital Media Changed the Way We Interact with Food” takes place Tuesday, April 23 at ROC, 604 Arizona Street in Santa Monica. Enjoy a social hour from 6:30-7 p.m. followed by the panel discussion and a Q and A session. Register here.

Follow the event on Twitter: @weintraub_law


Upcoming Speaking Engagement: Whose Book (of Business) Is It, Anyhow?

Download: Multi-State Chart re Covenants Not to Compete.PDF

Labor and Employment attorney Chuck Post will speak on: “Whose Book (of Business) Is It, Anyhow? What to do Before a Competitor Hires Your Employees – or You Hire Theirs” at the California Banker’s Association’s 122nd Annual Convention and 46th Annual Bank Counsel Seminar at the Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach on May 4.

Protecting the willingness of a network to refer business (and growing that willingness to refer) can be essential to a successful banking career or the very survival of a financial institution. But who owns those referral sources? What can banks lawfully do to protect this essential intangible asset? What can departing employees lawfully utilize?

A panel of two attorneys, including Chuck, and a banker, deeply experienced in trade secret protection, offer a review of the most recent court decisions and cutting edge strategies to protect trade secrets and maintain the right to compete lawfully. The presentation will include a brief power point presentation (California emphasis), a panel discussion of recent cases, and questions and answers.

To register, visit: http://www.calbankers.com/annualconvention13

Upcoming Seminar: Healthcare Reform: What Employers Need to Know

Download: Flyer – Health Care Reform.pdf

Presented by The Labor & Employment Group at Weintraub Tobin and Vincent Catalano of Arthur J. Gallagher & Co., Inc.

Summary of Program

The Supreme Court has spoken and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“PPACA”) is here to stay. It is now critical that employers of all sizes learn how the PPACA may impact their workplace. Join Weintraub Tobin, and special guest speaker, Vincent Catalano, MBA, Area Vice President/Employee Benefits Consultant from Arthur J. Gallagher & Co., Inc., for this very timely and informative panel discussion about how employers can navigate the complexities of, and comply with, the PPACA.

Program Highlights

  • Determining who is a covered employer under the PPACA.
  • “Pay or Play” mandates – the details of what employers must do.
  • A discussion of available tax credits.
  • Understanding the consequences of non-compliance: penalties, penalties, penalties.
  • What the California Exchange “Covered California” is and what it means for employers.
  • Benefits of PPACA including coverage of dependents to age 26, women’s health enhancements and preventative care and other patient protections.
  • Strategies the proactive employer can take.

Weintraub Tobin
400 Capitol Mall, 11th Fl.
Sacramento, CA 95814
Parking validation provided. Please park in the Wells Fargo parking garage, entrances on 4th and 5th St.

Seminar Program
9:00 a.m. Registration and Breakfast
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Seminar
Approved for 2 hours MCLE credit; HRCI
credits available upon request.
There is no charge for this seminar.

Ramona Carrillo
400 Capitol Mall, 11th Fl.
Sacramento, CA 95814
[email protected]

Second Session Added for L&E Health Care Reform Seminar

Due to overwhelming demand, a second session of the Health Care Reform seminar has been scheduled for 5/22/13 from 12:00-2:00 pm. Additional seats are available for the second session only. If you would like to register for this seminar, please RSVP to Ramona Carrillo at [email protected].

Presented by The Labor & Employment Group at Weintraub Tobin and Vincent Catalano of Arthur J. Gallagher & Co., Inc.

Summary of Program

The Supreme Court has spoken and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“PPACA”) is here to stay. It is now critical that employers of all sizes learn how the PPACA may impact their workplace. Join Weintraub Tobin, and special guest speaker, Vincent Catalano, MBA, Area Vice President/Employee Benefits Consultant from Arthur J. Gallagher & Co., Inc., for this very timely and informative panel discussion about how employers can navigate the complexities of, and comply with, the PPACA.

Program Highlights

  • Determining who is a covered employer under the PPACA.
  • “Pay or Play” mandates – the details of what employers must do.
  • A discussion of available tax credits.
  • Understanding the consequences of non-compliance: penalties, penalties, penalties.
  • What the California Exchange “Covered California” is and what it means for employers.
  • Benefits of PPACA including coverage of dependents to age 26, women’s health enhancements and preventative care and other patient protections.
  • Strategies the proactive employer can take.

Weintraub Tobin
400 Capitol Mall, 11th Fl.
Sacramento, CA 95814
Parking validation provided. Please park in the Wells Fargo parking garage, entrances on 4th and 5th St.

Seminar Program
Noon – 2 p.m. – Seminar
Approved for 2 hours MCLE credit; HRCI
credits available upon request.
There is no charge for this seminar.

June 12 Breakfast Meeting – The “Disabled” Employee: What Laws Apply and a Perspective From the EDD

Register Now!

June 12 Breakfast Meeting

The “Disabled” Employee: What Laws Apply and a Helpful Perspective From the EDD

As most employers well know, responding to the needs of an injured or ill employee is not always an easy thing to do. Employers often rack their brain over the following questions:

What are the employee’s rights?

  • What are the employer’s obligations?
  • Which laws apply to a given situation? Are they different depending on whether the injury or illness is work related or not? Are they different depending on whether or not the employee has been declared “disabled?”
  • Does a disabled employee have a right to leave or just an accommodation on the job?
  • If the employee does needs time off from work, is it paid or unpaid and how much “disability” leave can they get?
  • What do California’s State Disability Insurance (SDI) and Paid Family Leave (PFL) programs provide to employees who need time off from work?
  • What obligations does the employer have to assist employees in obtaining SDI and/or PFL benefits?
  • What can the EDD do to help an employer and an employee understand the SDI/PFL claim process?


Please join SEAC for its June Breakfast Meeting on June 12, 2013 where an experienced employment attorney and a specialized EDD representative will discuss these important issues and provide helpful tips on how best to administer this somewhat difficult area of employment law.

Register today!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

8:00 – 8:30 am – Registration, Networking & Continental Breakfast

8:30 – 10:00 am – Meeting


Weintraub Tobin Chediak Coleman Grodin Law Corporation
400 Capitol Mall, 11th Floor, Sacramento, CA 95814

2 hours of free parking – Bring your ticket stub to the meeting for validation.

Payment Details:


Members: $30.00 in advance (By June 10)/$35.00 at the door


Non-Members: $45.00 in advance (By June 10)/$55.00 at the door


The Speakers:

Lizbeth (‘Beth’) V. West

Weintraub Tobin Chediak Coleman Grodin Law Corporation
EDD Representative (TBA)

Speaker Backgrounds:

Beth is a Shareholder in the firm’s Labor and Employment, Appeals and Writs, and Litigation groups. She is admitted to practice law in the states of California and Washington.

Beth assists employers in all aspects of their employment relationship with their employees and defends employers in employment disputes. Her practice focuses on counseling and training employers and management staff on matters such as hiring, performance problems, disciplinary actions, privacy, terminations, lay-offs, employment policies and contracts, protection of trade secrets, wage and hour laws, leave laws, prevention of discrimination, harassment and retaliation, and compliance with other state and federal employment laws. Beth also conducts workplace investigations for both public and private employers.

In addition to her counseling practice, Beth has extensive experience defending employers in various forms of employment-related litigation in state and federal court, and in administrative actions before a number of state and federal agencies.

EDD Representative (TBA)

**Cancellation/No Show: Reservations cancelled less than 72 hrs in advance and/or no show will be billed the entire amount.

Beth is a Shareholder in the firm’s Labor and Employment, Appeals and Writs, and Litigation groups. She is admitted to practice law in the states of California and Washington.

Beth assists employers in all aspects of their employment relationship with their employees and defends employers in employment disputes. Her practice focuses on counseling and training employers and management staff on matters such as hiring, performance problems, disciplinary actions, privacy, terminations, lay-offs, employment policies and contracts, protection of trade secrets, wage and hour laws, leave laws, prevention of discrimination, harassment and retaliation, and compliance with other state and federal employment laws. Beth also conducts workplace investigations for both public and private employers.

In addition to her counseling practice, Beth has extensive experience defending employers in various forms of employment-related litigation in state and federal court, and in administrative actions before a number of state and federal agencies.

EDD Representative (TBA)

**Cancellation/No Show: Reservations cancelled less than 72 hrs in advance and/or no show will be billed the entire amount.

Beth is a Shareholder in the firm’s Labor and Employment, Appeals and Writs, and Litigation groups. She is admitted to practice law in the states of California and Washington.

Beth assists employers in all aspects of their employment relationship with their employees and defends employers in employment disputes. Her practice focuses on counseling and training employers and management staff on matters such as hiring, performance problems, disciplinary actions, privacy, terminations, lay-offs, employment policies and contracts, protection of trade secrets, wage and hour laws, leave laws, prevention of discrimination, harassment and retaliation, and compliance with other state and federal employment laws. Beth also conducts workplace investigations for both public and private employers.

In addition to her counseling practice, Beth has extensive experience defending employers in various forms of employment-related litigation in state and federal court, and in administrative actions before a number of state and federal agencies.

EDD Representative (TBA)

**Cancellation/No Show: Reservations cancelled less than 72 hrs in advance and/or no show will be billed the entire amount.


WEBINAR: Tips When Hiring and Firing Employees

Download: Flyer – WEBINAR. Tips When Hiring and Firing Employees.PDF

Summary of Program

The Labor and Employment Group at Weintraub Tobin Chediak Coleman Grodin is pleased to offer this informative webinar that will discuss recent cases to help business owners, human resource professionals, and managers avoid liability and effectively hire employees as well as carry out disciplines and terminations.

Program Highlights

  • Effective hiring practices.
  • What can you ask during an interview?
  • An employer’s right to discipline employees; is it limited?
  • Effective policies, training and documentation to reduce liability.
  • Beware of “Progressive Discipline”
  • Did the employee quit or was [s]he “constructively terminated?” (What does that mean?)
  • What type of conduct can constitute “retaliation” and under what law?
  • Who is a “whistleblower” and under what law?
  • Can an “at-will” employee be wrongfully terminated?
  • What constitutes “wrongful termination?”

Lunchtime Program

12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
HRCI credits available upons successful completion and verification of attendance for duration of webinar.

There is no charge for this webinar


Ramona Carrillo
400 Capitol Mall, 11th Fl.
Sacramento, CA 95814
[email protected]

L&E Webinar: OSHA Compliance: A Healthy and Safe Work Environment

Download: Flyer – OSHA Compliance. A Healthy and Safe Work Environment (1643744).PDF

Summary of Program

Federal and state OSHA laws protect California workers from unsafe working conditions. However, the federal and state statutes and regulations are complex and can be difficult to understand. This short
webinar is designed to remove some of the mystery from federal and state OSHA requirements and assist you in your compliance.

Program Highlights:

  • Implement a compliant and effective Injury and Illness Prevention Plan (IIPP).
  • Avoid enormous Cal/OSHA fines and hassles by regularly assessing your organization’s IIPP, training your employees, and shoring up weaknesses in your safety practices.
  • Better understand what OSHA regulations apply to your industry so you won’t be caught off guard if and when accidents occur.
  • Use effective preventive measures to keep your employees and customers safe from threats of workplace violence.
  • Recognize the warning signs that indicate an employee is capable of violence and how to respond.


Thursday, July 18, 2013
12:00 p.m.—1:00 p.m.
Lunchtime Program
HRCI credits available upon successful completion and verification of attendance for duration of webinar.

There is no charge for this seminar.


Ramona Carrillo
400 Capitol Mall, 11th Fl.
Sacramento, CA 95814
[email protected]

Information on registering and logging in to this webinar will be provided to you after you have RSVP’d and approximately one week prior to session.

This informative session will take place via webinar only.

Upcoming CEAC Seminar: Labor Law, Hiring and Firing, and Conflict Management

Download: labor law hiring and firing and conflict management 6-21-13__Final.pdf

The Yuba Sutter Colusa Employer Advisory Council in partnership with the Employment Development Department will present the seminar, “Labor Law, Hiring and Firing, and Conflict Management,” on Friday, June 21st from 8 a.m. to noon at Peachtree Golf & Country Club in Marysville, California.

Weintraub Tobin attorney Beth West will be the guest speaker at this seminar. She assists employers in all aspects of their employment relationship with their employees and defends employers in employment disputes. Beth is currently the chair of the Sacramento Employers Advisory Council (SEAC).

Topics include:

Labor Law

Even though less than 7 percent of the private sector workforce belongs to unions, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) seems committed to regaining relevance in the 21st century. This topic includes a discussion of how recent NLRB decisions affect the non-union workplace.

Hiring and Firing

From negligent hiring to wrongful termination claims – and much more in between. This topic includes proactive steps employers can take to reduce legal liability related to hiring and firing decisions.

Conflict Resolution

When conflicts go unaddressed they can have a negative impact on the work environment, employee productivity, and your bottom line. This topic includes tips to resolve conflict early and effectively.

Who Should Attend

  • Business owners
  • Employee benefits managers/staff
  • Human resource managers/staff
  • Managers/Supervisors

For more information on the seminar’s agenda or to register, download the seminar flyer above.

Space is limited. Must register by June 17, 2013.