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Ashley Moreno, Author at Weintraub Tobin - Page 3 of 8

Welcome to the Weintraub Resources section. Here, you can find our Blogs, Videos, and Podcasts, in which Weintraub attorneys regularly provide insights and updates on legal developments. You can also find upcoming Weintraub Events, as well as firm and client News.

WT Wins: David A. Diepenbrock Instrumental In Helping Client Secure $58.5 Million Settlement

On October 4, 2023, Sacramento County settled a long-running civil rights lawsuit brought by Hardesty Sand & Gravel for $58.5 million. The landmark settlement falls on the heels of a $20 million settlement in a related suit brought by the owners of the ranch where Hardesty Sand & Gravel had mined for decades until Sacramento County unlawfully ordered Hardesty to shutter the mining operation.

Weintraub Supports 2023 Hard Hats and High Heels Gala for Habitat for Humanity

Weintraub Tobin was proud to support Habitat for Humanity’s 2023 Hard Hats and High Heels Gala. The annual event, celebrating its 10th anniversary this year, raised a record-breaking $497k to help support the work of Habitat for Humanity in addressing the affordable housing crisis in the Greater Sacramento Region.