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Ashley Moreno, Author at Weintraub Tobin - Page 4 of 8

Welcome to the Weintraub Resources section. Here, you can find our Blogs, Videos, and Podcasts, in which Weintraub attorneys regularly provide insights and updates on legal developments. You can also find upcoming Weintraub Events, as well as firm and client News.

47 Weintraub Attorneys Honored in 2023 Northern California Super Lawyers and Rising Star Lists

Weintraub Tobin is pleased to announce that 47 of the Firm’s attorneys have been selected to the 2023 Northern California Super Lawyers® and Rising Star lists. These lists, selected annually on a state-by-state basis, recognize outstanding attorneys who have attained a high degree of peer recognition and professional achievement in their respective practice area or areas.

Weintraub Supports UCP of Sacramento and Northern California’s 2023 Humanitarian of the Year Event

Pictured: Brianna Nielsen and Weintraub attorneys Heidi Weinrich, Aysha Majeed, Jeanne Vance, and Anders Bostrom

Weintraub Tobin was proud to attend and support UCP of Sacramento and Northern California’s 2023 Humanitarian of the Year event. The dinner was held on June 15, 2023, and honored Curt Rocca, Managing Partner of DCA Partners, as the 2023 Humanitarian of the Year. The event raised over $418,900 that will go to support life without limits for people with developmental disabilities.