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Ashley Moreno, Author at Weintraub Tobin - Page 6 of 8

Welcome to the Weintraub Resources section. Here, you can find our Blogs, Videos, and Podcasts, in which Weintraub attorneys regularly provide insights and updates on legal developments. You can also find upcoming Weintraub Events, as well as firm and client News.

WT Deals: Picture Perfect Federation and Picturestart to Produce English-Language Remake of “Bad Genius”

Weintraub client Picture Perfect Federation is teaming up with Picturestart to produce an English-language remake of the hit Thai film Bad Genius. The film will star Benedict Wong (Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness), Callina Liang (Tell Me Everything), and Jabari Banks (Bel-Air). Writer JC Lee (Luce) will make his directorial debut.  Patrick Wachsberger and Ashley Stern of Picture Perfect Federation along with Erik Feig and Jessica Switch of Picturestart will produce.  Mallory Edens’ Little Ray Media is financing. Executive producers on the project include Edens, Julia Hammer, and Wong.

WT Deals: Ryan La Sala Novel ‘The Honeys’ To Be Adapted for Film

Bestselling novel The Honeys, by Weintraub client Ryan La Sala, is set to be adapted for film by Anonymous Content. The social horror story was published in August 2022, and was named a “Best Book of 2022” by several media organizations, including NPR, Barnes & Noble, and the New York Public Library.

Is Trump’s Copyright Claim Against Woodward “Trumped Up”?

Veteran investigative reporter Bob Woodward conducted an audio interview of former President Donald Trump for Woodward’s book, Rage. Woodward later released these recordings as a separate audiobook. Trump claims that Woodward did not have his permission to release these audiotapes as a separate audiobook, and sued Woodard and his publisher for, among other claims, copyright infringement. Does Trump have a claim, or is his copyright claim “trumped up”?

Proposed Medicare and Medicaid Enrollment Rule for Skilled Nursing Facilities Implements Law Expanding Regulation of Private Equity Investments in Healthcare, Foreshadowing a Likely Trend

On February 13, 2023, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (“CMS”) proposed a long-delayed regulation that would implement a provider enrollment provision of the Affordable Care Act that expands the information required to be disclosed by skilled nursing facilities (“SNFs”). The law requires that SNFs report detailed information to CMS regarding SNF relationships with private equity companies, real estate investment trusts and other real estate lessors, clinical consultants and providers of accounting and financial services during the provider enrollment process. The proposed rule was published in the Federal Register on February 15, 20231. The proposed changes are subject to comment; comments must be received by CMS by April 14, 2023. To become final, CMS would respond to these comments and issue a final rule thereafter.