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The Briefing: SCOTUS to Determine if USPTO Refusal to Register TRUMP TOO SMALL is Unconstitutional

The Supreme Court recently heard oral arguments in the case of Vidal v. Elster to determine whether the USPTO’s refusal to register the trademark “Trump Too Small” violates the applicant’s First Amendment rights. Scott Hervey and Eric Caligiuri discuss this case on this installment of The Briefing. 

Watch this episode on the Weintraub YouTube channel here or listen to this podcast episode here:

California Employment News: The Use of A.I. in the Workplace – Privacy & Confidentiality Concerns (Part 1)

While AI has been a revolutionary development that can streamline and improve many workplace tasks, it also comes with legal hurdles that need to be carefully navigated. Meagan Bainbridge and Lukas Clary review some of the potential intellectual property and privacy concerns that can come about when employees use AI for work purposes in this episode of California Employment News.