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Allysia Britton, Author at Weintraub Tobin

Welcome to the Weintraub Resources section. Here, you can find our Blogs, Videos, and Podcasts, in which Weintraub attorneys regularly provide insights and updates on legal developments. You can also find upcoming Weintraub Events, as well as firm and client News.

WT Deals: Black Mask Studios to Adapt Tyler Boss and Matthew Rosenberg’s ‘4 Kids Walk Into a Bank’

Weintraub client Black Mask Studios and Seth Rogen’s Point Grey Pictures are set to produce a film adaptation of the dark comedy graphic novel 4 Kids Walk Into a Bank. The novel, written by Weintraub clients Tyler Boss and Matthew Rosenberg, is about a young woman who discovers her ex-robber grandfather is being pulled back into his old gang for one last heist, so she and her friends plan to rob the bank first to save him.

Black Mask Studios, Tyler Boss, and Matthew Rosenberg are represented by Weintraub Shareholder Matthew Sugarman.

More details about this project are available on Deadline.

California Employment News: Court Ruling Halts FTC’s Non-Compete Ban – Implications for Employers

A recent Texas federal court ruling has put a halt on the enforcement of the FTC’s ban on non-compete agreements. Learn more about this ruling and the implications it has for employers from Shauna Correia and Jacqueline Simonovich as they give an update from their previous episode in this installment of California Employment News.

Listen to this podcast episode here.

The Briefing: Deep Dive into the NO FAKES Act

A group of senators introduced an update to the ‘No Fakes Act,’ which protects the voice and visual likeness of individuals from unauthorized AI-generated recreations. Scott Hervey and James Kachmar discuss the changes to this act on this episode of The Briefing.

Watch this episode on the Weintraub YouTube channel here or listen to the podcast:

FTC Rule Ruled Unenforceable Nationwide

If you have been following our podcast California Employment News, you know that the Federal Trade Commission issued a rule that would act as a comprehensive ban on non-compete agreements. The ban would have taken effect next month, and would have invalidated non-compete provisions in millions of existing agreements and would have precluded non-compete provisions in future agreements with employees, independent contractors, volunteers and other workers.  It would have preempted the laws of the 46 states that already regulate noncompete. In a victory for employers and business owners nationwide who rely on some form of non-competition provision to protect their IP, the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas invalidated the FTC rule in its ruling on August 20, 2024.